Thursday, June 23, 2011

Meeting Notes 6/23/2011 - NCVDC

We had a great meeting last week, full of information and invigorating discussion! Dace Campbell of BNBuilders presented their stance on BIM in general, how they use BIM, and recommendations on BIM collaboration. Thank you, Dace! Thanks also to Hilliard Architects for hosting!

The handout on BIM Uses and Rules of Engagement that Dace provided capture the outline of his presentation. I'll fill in a little on the discussion that occurred:
  • Design models are created by the design team. BNBuilders works with the design team to develop protocols for collaborative models.
  • BNBuilders does not create design models, but does provide digital mockups in place of or preceding physical prototypes, to assist in the design process.
  • BNBuilders and their subs create models for construction purposes - scheduling, sequencing, estimating, etc.
  • Dace works out of their Seattle office, and notes that Seattle is blessed by a collection of really good design-build subs.
  • In comparable projects, BNBuilders has evaluated a 90% reduction in MEP-related RFIs and a 200:1 improvement in reducing change orders. Dace notes that each RFI costs the team as a whole $500 each to process.
  • BIM-related technologies like total station, field management software on tablet computers, and cloud-source documentation maximize the value of BIM.
  • Dace referenced Birgitta Foster of Albuquerque as a very knowledgeable advocate for BIM for facilities management - an underused advantage of BIM.
  • BNBuilders' BIM Rules of Engagement are their best practices based on real-world experience which they suggest for consideration on future projects.
  • ConsensusDOCS are preferred over the AIA BIM Protocol E202.
  • Accuracy in a BIM is more important than detail.
  • File names need to remain consistent to facilitate updating the collaboration model - don't append the date, etc.
  • Dace promotes All BIM, All the Time. Hurdles to this ideal include legal, cultural, regulatory, physical, and operational factors.
  • Singapore, CA DSA, and Salt Lake City are taking steps toward digital regulatory review.
  • Augmented reality is an amazing emerging technology. Much like Google Maps overlays streets onto a satellite image, calibrated viewers are being developed to project the designed conditions onto existing physical reality.
  • Facilities management is emerging as a sixth dimension to the BIM world (4D=time, 5D=cost, 6D=FM).
If you'd like to find out more, please take a look at the BIM Uses and Rules of Engagement Handouts or talk to any of the attendees. The NCVDC Member Roster indicates who attended and provides email addresses to contact them.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Meeting Notes - 6/9/11 - SFDD

Sitting in the atrium next to Peets.  Marla Ushijima is here, and Dave Bleiman.  Looks like this will be a two-table meeting.

Waiting for the others I reminisce about past meetings of the breakfast group.  Originally it was Chris Parsons, an IT Manager at SMWM at the time, who got things going.  I think he was looking for moral support with their ArchiCAD implementation.  (Instead he got a bunch of Revit partisans.)
John LeBlanc joins us.  Now Bruce Madsen.
Topics for today:  (Definitely not BIM or IPD.) Newforma; SharePoint.  Dave says, "There is more to life than BIM!"  It's about the struggle to capture knowledge. 
Nobody is really happy with SharePoint.  We keep getting new releases but is it getting better?
Dave and I were at the KnowledgeArchitecture symposium last month.  A lot of good, short, talks.  (Recordings have now been posted online; worth looking into. )  KA also held a session on Evidence Based Design the day before.
Some of us reading The Checklist Manifesto.  Funny that a doctor thinks the construction industry is worth emulating.  Karen Thomas joins us.
More discussion about Websites and blogs.  Lots of ideas and programs we can use. Still no Webmaster so my HTML in Notepad is the lowest common denominator for now.  Alexandra Fenton joins us.  Volunteers to be the Webmaster if others will provide content.
Tentative agreement that Karen will host the upcoming evening meeting at Hillard.  Should be a really good meeting organizedd by Dace Campbell on some real-life BIM planning.
Dave raving about his Kindle.  All of the world's knowledge in your bag.  Bruce reads the newspaper.  Requires very little power.  Works in daylight.  Classics that are not under copyright are free.  Can sync with an iPad.